11th International Conference
INDIAN Polyester - 2025

25th April 2025, Hotel Aurika, Mumbai

About The Event

About The Event

The conference aims to showcase and promote the Indian Polyester, Textile and PET industry to the international forum by bringing the major industries in the upstream sector of the polyester chain, technology providers and end users on the same platform. This will promote healthy discussion and interaction amongst complete chain of the polyester industry so as to enhance the competitiveness of the industry in the international arena.


Hotel Aurika,
Mumbai, INDIA


25th April, 2025

Join as Associates

Thank you for your interest in supporting the 11th International Conference, INDIAN Polyester - 2025 conference as an Associate.

Your association with the conference will help us in getting more industry support and will benefit you by showcasing your offerings to the industry.

For more details regarding various opportunities available, please contact Mr. Jayesh Sampat.
Phone: +91-22-23851430
Email : jayesh@eliteconferences.com

Marketing Support

Event Schedule

Here is our event schedule

Registration & Coffee

Session Chair:

Special Address

Keynote Address

Global polyester markets - Waiting for demand revival
Mr. Ashish Pujari, Vice President - Aromatics & Fibers, Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS, Singapore

India to focus on global markets of synthetics: To bring paradigm change
Mr. Prashant Agarwal, Jt. Managing Director, Wazir Advisors

Emerging outlook for the aromatics market – Challenges & opportunities in Asia
Mr. Ashish Kulkarni, Lead Aromatics Consultant – Asia, Argus Media

Coffee Break

Session Chair:

Presentation by Oerlikon Textile
Mr. Debabrata Ghosh, Vice President - Sales & Marketing, Oerlikon Textile

Recent advancements & achievements of KTS-Chemtex Polyester technology PolyvolveTM
Presentation by Koch Technology Solutions & Chemtex Global Corporation

Polyester films – Market dynamics

Development in PET and rPET Packaging
Mr. Bharat Mehta, Vice President – PET Marketing, Reliance Industries

Lunch Break

USD 100 bn exports target: Is polyester industry the catalyst, to hear from supply chain partners

Session Chair:

Technology Presentation by Oerlikon Textile

Technology Presentation

Coffee Break

Polyester & Sustainability

Session Chair:

PET - Recycling trends

Industrial applications of polyester [Industrial tyre cord]

Closing Remarks

Networking Cocktails

Hubert Hirthe

Et voluptatem iusto dicta nobis. Hubert Hirthe

Maiores dignissimos neque qui cum accusantium ut sit sint inventore.

Cole Emmerich

Explicabo et rerum quis et ut ea. Cole Emmerich

Veniam accusantium laborum nihil eos eaque accusantium aspernatur.

Brenden Legros

Libero corrupti explicabo itaque. Brenden Legros

Facere provident incidunt quos voluptas.

Jack Christiansen

Qui non qui vel amet culpa sequi. Jack Christiansen

Nam ex distinctio voluptatem doloremque suscipit iusto.

Alejandrin Littel

Quos ratione neque expedita asperiores. Alejandrin Littel

Eligendi quo eveniet est nobis et ad temporibus odio quo.

Willow Trantow

Quo qui praesentium nesciunt Willow Trantow

Voluptatem et alias dolorum est aut sit enim neque veritatis.

Event Venue

Event venue location and details

Special discounted rates have been arranged at Hotel Aurika, Mumbai, INDIA for conference delegates. As room availability is limited, book early to secure your reservation. Click here to book Conference Venue Hotel.

Hotel Aurika, Mumbai

Board Number : +91-22-6943 6000
E-mail Reservations: contact.amb1@lemontreehotels.com